Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Great Audible


This past week was very hectic at times but we were able to hold it together and produce greatness like always. Ha Ha

On Tuesday we had exchanges in Paris with the zone leaders. It went very well. I got the cool opportunity to work a 3 hour visitor center shift. Basically there is a small little visitors center next to the Paris chapel. It is right in one of the most populated places in Paris so we get tons of people passing by it everyday. As a shift worker you sit there with your companion waiting for someone to walk in. It's quite relaxing and it switches things up a bit. We were able to teach this one man who was attracted by the beautiful paintings of Jesus hung inside. It was a pretty cool experience. 

Wednesday we had interviews and district meeting with president. It was a little nerve racking but I was as cool as a cucumber and things went well. Wednesday was kind of terrible though because we got news from the Lille Stake presidency that they would not be able to attend the event they planned on Saturday. If you remember the Lille stake presidency had told us to host a ginormous missionary day about a month ago. They came to our branch, hyped everyone up, we had called in the whole zone (28 missionaries), and had been planning for days on what we were to do. Well when we got the news that they weren't coming, train tickets had already been bought for all 28 missionaries, so we were forced to make some drastic changes. I felt like Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, or even the great Romo at the line calling a huge audible during a game winning drive with 5 seconds left on the play clock. It was hectic but after a solid day of planning we were able to put together plenty of power points, charts, and spreadsheets that saved Saturday. 

So Saturday, the big day. Everyone arrived, except the 8 missionaries that missed their train in Paris (a zone activity can never go just perfect), and things just worked out. We assigned 16 missionaries to go work in neighborhoods surrounding Charleville, while 10 were to stay doing street contacting. We had two chauffeurs driving missionaries to and from drop off locations in different neighborhoods. To keep the details to a minimum, hard work was done, we were able to find lots of new investigators, and people left happy. I am content with how it all worked out and it is safe to say that we might be busy during the next few days contacting all these referrals. To complete the NFL analogy, the audible was a success, the Hail Mary worked against the blitz, and the Charleville missionaries came home with a victory. 

Have a great week! Love y'all. God Bless

Elder Hein

The Zone (minus 4 Elders who had to leave early and 2 Sisters who didn't come)

The 7 Neighborhoods

A chart that shows companionships, cities, times, and other stuff (excuse the bad hand writing, that was all Elder Silva) 

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