Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Driving Range


This past week was another good one. I realize I say that every week but I swear it's true. Haha. 

On Tuesday we had exchanges with the elders from Lille. They are great guys. We learned a lot from them. It's always great to learn from other missionaries experiences and perspectives. 

In the Trap!!
Wednesday we celebrated the birthday of one of our investigators at his apartment. His name is Thomas and he is practically a member. He and his girlfriend, Lula, are super solid. The only reason they are not baptized is because they are waiting for their marriage next year. Thomas turned 25 this year. We spent the evening with them eating cake. 

Thursday we had to attend the district meetings of Calais and Lille. Needless to say we spent a lot of times on trains. The day went really well though. 

This next story needs some back-history. Elder Mansfield made us promise to try and train for a half marathon that we will run at the end of the transfer. Everyone in the apartment hates running besides him but somehow he coaxed us into it. So for the past 3 weeks I have been dying every morning. On Friday morning he told us we were going to run 6 miles round trip to a castle. We believed him and starting running. Wrong decision. Turns out it was something like 7.5 miles in the pitch black, in the freezing cold rain. Terrible. I survived though and we are doing it again tomorrow so pray for me please. Haha. 

Saturday we got to teach one of the Malagasy recent converts, Amina. Seeing as how we don't speak Malagasy and that is the only thing she speaks, we set her up with the APs in the Madagascar mission. They were so happy to meet another Elder Hein, younger brother of the legend. They were talking about how they still watch our family DVD on Sundays because of something Jessey created called "Trunky Sundays". It's good to know that Jessey left an incredible legacy in that mission. Haha. 

Sunday was alright, but Monday was so sick. We found a golf course near our apartment and decided to go hit balls on the range. I thought it was going to be really expensive but it turned out to be not bad at all. It was sooooooo much fun. It brought back the good memories I had at Ridgeview and Waters Creek. And just for the record I haven't lost my touch, if anything I have gotten better. Haha. Watch out Grandpa Lyman. I am coming for ya.
Well have a great week. God Bless!

Elder Hein

Sleepy Companion
Train Rides with Amiens

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