Hello everybody! This week was fantastic!
Tuesday I attended my first district meeting. The meetings are held at the Senior couple's homeand they cook us a nice lunch. It was super refreshing to have a home
cooked meal from an experienced mother rather than my companion. Haha.
Later that day we saw the fruits of our area book labors. For the past
week or so we have been calling and leaving messages on the phones of
people we have found in the area book. Up until Tuesday we hadn't had
much success, but that soon changed. Within a span of like 2 hours on
Tuesday evening, we kept receiving call backs from all these people we
had called. It was quite funny, our usually silent phone kept ringing
and ringing. Anyways we were able to set up a lot of rendezvous (meetings) for
the rest of the week. An unfortunately funny incident happened that
day too. I was standing on the right side of the escalator and I began
to transition my left hand to rest on my hip. As I was doing so this
super old lady was walking past me on he left. I absolutely nailed her
in the face with my elbow. It was super unfortunate and not the best
first impression she got of the Mormon church. Haha.
Wednesday we contacted all afternoon and in the evening some members invited us
over for an African meal. It was definitely different than American
food but it was great! Earlier that day, we were just standing in the
park across our apartment and this Muslim man came up to us and said
America will melt by 2027. So watch out everyone.
Thursday we attended the funeral of a member who is from our ward. I didn't know her to
well because I had only been in Brussels for 2 weeks at that point,
but judging from the attendance it seemed she had touched a lot of
people's lives. We had a rendez-vous that fell through later in the
day, so that was disappointing but that's the life of a missionary.
investigators. The first one didn't go so well. He just wanted to fight with us on everything we said. Haha. But the second one was with
our only progressing investigator, Janet. She is doing great and our lesson went great. She fed us some Rwandan food. It was absolutely
Saturday a member cooked us some phenomenal soup and crêpes
for lunch. That evening we had another two rendez-vous, and yet again
one of them fell through. After our rendezvous, we invited the other companionship over to our apartment for a Halloween party. We carved
pumpkins and ate lots of candy. On Sunday, everything went smooth with
the new ward changes. That evening we met with an inactive and it was
such an awesome experience. We sat down and he asked if we liked mathematics. Next thing I knew, I was solving derivatives and
integrals for an hour. Haha. He is so smart; he has even created a
couple calculus theorems that he wants to publish. I never thought I
was going to use calculus in the mission field but shout out to
Mr.Greider for teaching me so well.
HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK: On P-Day we went to the Neuhaus chocolate factory, and they had all you can eat chocolate for free. It was absolutely incredible but now I feel
horrible. As a direct result of that we started running up the metro
stairs rather than taking the escalators in an attempt to work off the
calories we just gained.
This week my testimony of area book work grew tremendously. As a
direct result of all the work we put in, we were able to go from 1 to
6 rendez-vous in just one week. Time goes by a lot quicker when you
aren't just contacting all day, so I'm thankful to the Lord for
providing us all these opportunities to teach. I love y'all!
Have a great week.
My Comp is an artist! |
Happy Halloween! |
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