From left to right: Thomas, me, Fanja, Elder Mansfield, and Lula
Sorry I did not write on Monday! We had Interviews on Monday and then zone conference on Tuesday. So, we decided to take pday on Wednesday. It's been a good 10 days though. It was tough saying goodbye to some of the members in Amiens but I've become a pro at it after doing it 6 times already. Haha.
Wednesday we moved into the Lille apartment and boy was it a mess. We have already put so many hours into cleaning it up. It's just terrible. Don't get me wrong, I love a messy room, but this apartment hit a whole new level. Haha. Thursday was filled with planning for the Zone and then we went to a meeting with the ward mission leader to learn about our new sector. The work has been moving along pretty well here. They had a baptismal date with a guy named Maxime and they also have another who is close to a date, Cristo. Cristo made it to church this week and we were able to see maxime on Sunday after church. He is a pretty cool 20 year old french kid. He is actually a referral from the church website.
Friday we went into Paris for most of the day for mission Council. I got to see some familiar faces, Pande, Silva, Nagloo, Lamothe, and many more. It was really fun. I don't know if I mentioned this last week but Elder Silva, my son from Charleville, replaced Pande in Paris as zone leader. I'm a proud father. Haha. Saturday we played soccer in the morning with a bunch of members and investigators. The rest of the day was more meetings and then a ward cooking activity.
Oh update on a situation from a few weeks ago: so remember the time Mansfield and I played against some people in futsal and got wrecked? Well we later learned that that was a team that competes on a national level in france. Haha. No wonder we lost so hard. Haha.
Easter Sunday went well. We had church and then got invited to eat at an American members home with 10 other ward members. It was a lot of fun. I even got to drink root beer and eat ritz crackers!
Monday we had Interviews with president Babin and then we set up and cooked for Zone Conference the next day. We made/bought french toast, biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, cereal, fruits, and juice. It was a huge success but took a lot of time in the kitchen.
Tuesday was Zone Conference and it was really focused on the consecration of ourselves in line with the fact the temple in Paris will be consecrated soon. Sacrifice is what helps us pass from something good to something better and then from something better to something "best".
Have a terrific week. God Bless and Go Jazz
Elder Hein
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Jefferson |
Amiens Branch |